UBISP BBGs Perfect Gentleman @ Saddle Rock
Coach is proudly owned by Kerry Miller, Michael Lovlie, and Morgan Sigler, Bred by Kerry Miller of Big Bend Goldens and Christine Harp of OPK Goldens

Coach is the best behaved puppy ever! He is such a good boy; he’s not damaged anything and does his best to listen and learn. He loves to snuggle and give kisses. He’s such a hugger, I’ve nick named him Pooh Bear. I’m so excited about Coach’s future. His first UKC show weekend at 5 months, he took best in show and reserve best in show puppy! He was recently introduced to the AKC ring at 8 months, and had so much fun. He’s a happy boy in the ring. I love his pedigree; His sire is from Argentina, and his dam is from Pennsylvania, so there are uncommon lines.
Coach will start getting health tested in July 2024

MBIS GCH CH UCH HnrCh-S Liberty Lambert Outlander CGC, TKN, CCA, RATN

UCH, NatCH, IntlCH Opk’s BBGs Lil Paisley Ray Of Sunshine BCAT, CCA, CGC, TKN, URACEN, USPOT-ON

Aragon, AM GCH AM CH AR CH Aragorn De Arianrhod

Henna, CH Arg – CH Chile – CanCH Liberty Henna Liska

CH Brianne’s Total Eclispe Of The Sun THD, CGC, TDA

Colebrook OPK’s Delta Ray CGCA CGCU TKA